Thursday, January 13, 2011

Revisiting my Blog

I suppose I would like to write in here more often. I've been thinking about the point of writing in here versus writing in a journal versus merely thinking about my thoughts. I haven't come to any firm or convincing solutions yet. When I read other people's blogs I find it fascinating that I can see their views on the world. It's like that moment when you're reading a book and you've gotten to a scene that takes your breath away and you forget where you are, who you are, what time it is and you're in awe. Complete awe that this is how another person sees the situation, the world. That's the beauty of writing. It's so intimate. It's the transfer of my thoughts to the page; it's the closest one will ever get to me. So it's been difficult for me to convince myself to write more often and more personally.

But then again, isn't that why there are 6.8 billions of people on the earth rather than 1, myself or yourself? So that we can create those moments for one another? Perhaps at some point in my writing someday, one person will feel that intimate connection with me through words even if it is for a fleeting moment.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Shokoofeh, please share with us! That moment you describe is what it´s all about.
